There are often moonshots while building a business. Goals so big that you can’t achieve them until you grow into the business that can. Eleven years ago, in the early days of AirCorps Aviation, with just four partners who were working on the road, without a shop, running up warbirds in the parking lot of a former beer distributorship, the idea of buying Pioneer Aero Services P-51 inventory was a moonshot.
The quote from Henry Ford comes to mind “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.” So from the humble beginnings 11 years ago, AirCorps slowly began to climb a mountain. We bootstrapped building a business doing the work we love, that is gratifying beyond words, but not always as glamorous as it seems from the outside. Then along the way our hard work aligned with opportunity and we were in the right position to acquire Pioneer’s incredible inventory. We still have much to learn, but working for great people, and with great people, has been a key to turning the moonshot of buying the Pioneer Aero Services inventory into a reality.