
AirCorps Aviation
The guys have been removing all the P-47 parts from shipping containers.  First there was an initial inspection, then the parts were sorted into bins by subassembly.  Then they were stored in racks. Parts sorted and racked by subassembly part numbers.
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In April the  fuselage frame received its coats of zinc chromate.  The flight control and  trim tab linkages were installed and the flight control lock also put in. The “bird cage” stringers and former assemblies are nearly finished on the spare mock up frame. The end of April marked the arrival of some major components that had been...
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Towing Sierra Sue II out
Sierra Sue II’s owner, Paul Ehlen, picked her up and flew her to her new home at Flying Cloud Field in Eden Prairie, Minnesota today.  It was the first time he’d flown his beautiful, virtually new Mustang.  I can only imagine the thrill that must have been, but I didn’t have to imagine the look on...
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Beautiful wood work left top wing and center section Horizontal stabilizer Firewall formed Poly-Fiber envelope on the wing tubular fuselage frame repaired to original specs
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Tye Halvas Training at Covington Aircraft
Tye Halvas, maintenance manager at AirCorps Aviation, recently completed training at Covington Aircraft. His experience will enhance AirCorps Aviation’s maintenance services located at the Bemidji Regional Airport.
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