
AirCorps Aviation
We've added to our inventory of parts for sale.
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Sierra Sue II Reserve Grand Champ
Listen to Erik on MPR News talking about Sierra Sue II.
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Max Haynes just published the first Sierra Sue Essay. Looks at the great photos he took!
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It was quite an exciting day when the P-51 pulled up on two trucks.
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The Sendoff we had last night for Sierra Sue was a hit. There were close to 150 attendees.
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Join us in celebrating Roger Christgau’s 35 year ownership of WWII P-51 Mustang Sierra Sue.
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Twilight Tear
The P51-D Twilight Tear won Grand Champion at this year's EAA Airventure. Aircorps Aviation received the Golden Wrench award for its participation in the restoration.
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EAA Airventure, Oshkosh, 2011 (left to right) Mark Tisler, Chad Hokuf, Erik Hokuf, Eric Trueblood, Dan Matejcek, (painting Twilight Tear is Stefan Hokuf)
Aircorps Aviation has 3 more owners as of last May – Mark Tisler, Eric Trueblood, and Dan Matejcek. Another new member of our team is Chad Hokuf. A new website is coming soon!
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first flight redtail wahpeton
The guys from Tri-State Aviation and Aircorps's Erik was on the Fox 9 News tonight. Watch the video hear the story and see some great shots of the P-51 in flight.
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