
AirCorps Aviation
John Christgau Memorial
Sierra Sue II’s Public Debut Roger Christgau Memorial, Austin MN All photos by Max Haynes
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by Chuck Cravens One more wing assembly photo: Tye and Mark install one of the four large bolts that attach the wing to the fuselage. Update The milestone events of last month (moving out to the hangar, receiving the wing from Odegaard Wings and assembling the wing and fuselage) call for follow up in this...
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Texas Flying Legends Museum by Chuck Cravens View the PDF version here… Update Parts fabrication and creation of a suitable dead-straight fuselage fixture are the current focal points this month as they have been for a while now.  A P-47 has about three times as many parts as a Mustang! Fuselage Parts Fabrication In the...
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Texas Flying Legends’ By Chuck Cravens View the PDF version here… The fuselage is lowered onto the wing. Painting the Wing Photo from Building the P-51 Mustang – Michael O’Leary – pg 56 North American Aviation ordered camouflage paint deleted from Mustangs and all subsequent fighters and bombers in an order dated January 1, 1944....
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by Chuck Cravens Lining up the wing and fuselage, almost ready to join. Update Some very significant events have happened this last month. Many assume our restoration shop is at the airport but that isn’t the case. It is 8 miles away in an industrial park. So, along with the usual restoration shop images, we...
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