Finishing details on the wings, gear doors, and control surfaces continued this month. Fuselage work included the cockpit enclosure, empennage fairings, turbosupercharger assembly, and permanently attaching the tail surfaces.
Each gear door is designed in two pieces to allow for the shortening of the main landing gear legs as they retract.
The flaps, ailerons, elevators, and the rudder are the last large components of the P-47 to be assembled.
Work continues on fabricating the cowl as time for installation of the restored engine nears.
This March 1941 ad is a very early example, since the first P-47 test flight (the XP-47B) did not take place until May 6, 1941.
It interestingly emphasizes an order for 773 P-47s that had been signed in September of 1940, basically a case of ordering the new fighter right off the drawing board before a flying example existed.
formidable très beau travaille bonjour de france