Most of the work on the AT-10 recently has centered on the empennage. Each component has been removed, one at a time so that the vertical stabilizer stays in alignment without requiring a fixture to be made. As each part is reinstalled, the alignment remains as the next part is removed for restoration.
Some fuselage work also took place as test fitting of the tail wheel, tailcone, and the skin under the horizontal stabilizer were completed.
A second coat of varnish was applied to various wood parts, the fuselage assembly, and the cockpit floor.
As Aaron inspected the empennage, it became clear that the vast majority of the glue joints would have to be separated and reglued. But much of the wood of the inner structure is in good shape. So Aaron is using a procedure to restore the vertical stabilizer without the need for a fixture. He removes one rib and makes that rib airworthy by separating then regluing the joints, or in 2 cases on the vertical, making a new rib.
The now airworthy rib is reinstalled before the next rib is removed. Because only one component is removed at a time, the structure maintains alignment.
This cockpit section is currently at the paint shop where the black areas of the dash and the instrument and auxiliary panels will be painted.
There are several landing gear mounts available to choose from, so after each is inspected, the best two will become part of the restored AT-10.
We are constantly looking for new technical material related to the AT-10. Due to the rarity of this aircraft, and the relatively low number that were produced, acquiring parts catalogs, maintenance manuals, and other documentation has been much more difficult than with our past restorations. If you have any AT-10 material, or know someone who does, we’d like to hear from you!
Be a part of helping the AT-10 return to the skies!
Contact Ester Aube at: or 218-444-4478
Should anyone wish to contribute to the Cadet Air Corps Museum’s efforts, please contact board members Brooks Hurst at 816 244 6927, email at or Todd Graves, Contributions are tax deductible.
I have an engine mount and maybe a tail gear fork.
It’s possible I have some exhaust pieces and more generic parts that are standard on a number of planes.
I’m just south of the Des Moines airport.